Innovative Ideas Will Accomplish Goals
“Wow. In just six months of working every other week with Carroll, I have gained increasing power at work, found a real passion in my off-hours, and met people with whom I share interests. Carroll’s global approach to all the facets of my fine-but-boring life has been wonderful. Following my non-linear...
Keep It Simple: Living Purposefully with ADHD at Work and Home
Posted September 4th, 2013 by Carroll King Schuller
No one wants to hear those dreaded words that Donald Trump made famous: You’re Fired. And when it happens, almost no one feels good at that moment. It’s a time that many people can experience a high emotional state of fear, frustration, panic, anxiety, anger or depression. And many people who are fired or laid off from their jobs feel like they’ve lost their identity, and that’s feels even worse.
So it’s not a good time to make the best career decisions by yourself. It is a great time, however, to work it out with the help of a career coach, like Carroll King Schuller.
Carroll can help you see the situation objectively, slow down your emotional state a bit in order to quickly get you on a better path to career success.
What most people don’t realize is how perfect the job loss could be in terms of giving the individual a fresh perspective, a second chance, a new outlook, maybe start a business or to build new relationships that work better for them. It can be a time that is a gift in disguise, by having a chance to reflect on what the individual can do that would bring them real joy. Many people end up getting a better position at a different company, often negotiating a significant salary increase.
So instead of asking, “What do I do now?,” you may quickly be able to say “I feel like I have a whole new life!”
If you or someone you know just lost their job, it’s not the end of the world. It happens to terrific and brilliant people. Working with a career coach during this time could be the best investment you’ll ever make. Call Carroll King Schuller today at 804.288.0099. If you’re ready or if you’re willing to become ready, you can move forward and not look back.
P.S. Of course, it’s always better to work with a coach before you find yourself in such a career crisis. But the important thing is to call someone like Carroll who can help you think objectively about your options and next steps.