Philadelphia Life Coach
Are you unhappy, but unsure whether it’s related to your business or personal life? If you’re facing such a crossroads, perhaps it’s time to consider a professional Philadelphia life and business coach.
At Organic Blueprints, we offer Philadelphia business coaching and life coaching designed to provide you with a useful direction, organize your life, and find success. Many first-time life and business coaching clients wonder why they waited so long to seek out professional guidance for something so vital to personal fulfillment. Your life and business coach can help you identify clear goals and outline a path toward achieving them.
Philadelphia Business Coaching & Life Coaching From Organic Blueprints
- Your Philadelphia Life Coach will help you identify the things that bring you joy in life
- Once you discover your own personal path, you will find it easier to communicate with friends, family, and business colleagues
- Your business and personal life are inexorably linked, a professional Philadelphia business coach can help you balance the two
- Your Philadelphia life coach will help you with planning, perspective, and organization – essential qualities for success
- Be excited about life, focus on your future, and live the life you want to live
If you’re unhappy or feel like you’re are stuck in neutral, it may be time to work with a professional Philadelphia business coach who can help you find balance between your professional and personal life.
Do I Need A Professional Philadelphia Life Coach?
Ask yourself these questions before contacting an experienced Philadelphia life coach:
- Do I want healthier relationships with family and friends?
- Do I love life, or what will it take to start loving it?
- Am I happy?
A qualified Philadelphia life coach can help you nurture relationships and set clear personal goals designed to help you capture life’s joy. By crafting your life goals and creating short and long term personal deliverables, your Philadelphia life coach will help you challenge yourself and overcome hurdles in stride.
Do I Need An Experienced Philadelphia Business Coach?
Ask yourself these questions before contacting a professional Philadelphia business coach:
- Do I have trouble visualizing future business goals?
- Am I struggling to figure out what happens next in my career?
- Would I benefit from a fresh business perspective?
The success of your business hinges on planning, perspective, and organization, which is why a Philadelphia business coach can be so beneficial. Whether you want to develop employees, plan the upcoming year in detail, or start working’ on’ the business instead of ‘in’ the business, your Philadelphia business coach can help. Indeed, there is a balance you need to do both until the business is large enough to sustain a wholly strategic leader
Your personal life and business life should be balanced, and work symbiotically. Let a professional life and business coach from Organic Blueprints help you find happiness and success.
Philadelphia Tidbits
As laid out by the founder of Philadelphia, William Penn, the city was located between the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers and Vine and South Streets. The fact is that the city proper was that portion that was located between Dock Creek and High, currently known as Market Street. This is where the early settlers constructed huts on the higher ground or dug caves in the banks of the Delaware River. In the meantime, the women were equally busy carrying their kettle that was slung between two pole and lighting their fire on the bare earth, in preparation for the meal of frugal and homely fare for the repast of diligent builders.
Native Indians, were usually present, either as vendors of their game and venison from the neighboring wilderness or as spectators of the improvements that were progressing. The earliest pioneers were the Dutch and the Swedes and as neighbors, brought their productions to the marketplace as a matter of course.
However, settlements were established outside of these boundaries, and in time they had separate governments and became separately incorporated as districts and towns with the entire group simply being known abroad as Philadelphia. Several of these were located immediately contiguous to the city proper, such as Moyamensing and Southwark to the south, and Northern Liberties, the Penn District, Spring Garden, and Kensigton in the north, and West Philadelphia in the west. These were all practically one community that was continuously built up.
In addition, there were several outlying settlements, villages, and townships close to the community. Some of these included Frankford, Passyunk, Holmesburg, Kingsessing, Port Richmond, Rising Sun, unincorporated Germantown, the Falls of Schuylkill, Blockley, Francisville, Mantua, Hamilton Village, the unincorporated Penn Township, Roxborough, unincorporated Germantown, Fox Chase, Nicetown, the unincorporated Northern Liberties, Harrowgate, Bridesburg, and Frankford. They were all consolidated as one municipal government in 1854, and the boundaries of which are coincident with those of the old county of Philadelphia.
Several of the Southwark dwellings were inhabited by seafaring men and sea captains. Recently a significant number of its inhabitants were the families of watermen and seagoing people. The shipyards, and lumberyards have relocated to other localities, and their old locations are now occupied by the depots and wharves of the Red Star and American lines of seagoing steamships, the shipping piers, elevators, and great grain warehouses of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the depots and wharves, of the molasses and West Indies trade, extensive sugar refineries, and commercial warehouses. This district was also characterized by the extensive iron works and machine shops of Savery, Merricks, Morris and Tasker, and others, in addition to the mechanical work promoted by the navy yard, which was located on Federal Street, before it was relocated to League Island.
The Northern Liberties also had its great lumber wharves and yards next to the river front. Most of these lumber yards have disappeared, and been replaced with shipping wharves, depots, railroad landings, commercial warehouses, and large markets for farm produce. However, some of the lumber yards are still there. This district was also characterized, especially next to Second Street, by its farmers’ market yards for the wholesale trade in farm products, such as eggs, vegetables, poultry, butter, and meats. Currently, the Spring Garden District is one of the most pleasant suburbs of Philadelphia. Port Richmond, occupies the Delaware River front to the northeast and north of Old Kensington, and was brought into prominence by the establishment of the tidewater terminus of the Reading Railroad Company, which transferred coal by sea. This started to improve the unproductive land in the area, such as the offices, workshops, engine houses, coal depots, and shipping piers. At the same time, there was by a significant increase of population the construction of buildings, rapid progress and great activity in all respects. Although the coal trade started it the district is currently the center of a manufacturing trade that has but few superiors in the US. The other villages and districts have incorporated within the city.
A committee appointed by town meeting drafted a bill to be laid before the Legislature, identifying the details of the measure, was adopted by the General Assembly in 1854. The bill provided that the city of Philadelphia should be enlarged by taking in all the territory contained within the county of Philadelphia. The incorporated districts were abolished. Belmont, West Philadelphia, Richmond, Penn, Moyamensing, Spring Garden, Kensington, the Northern Liberties, and Southwark stopped having corporate existence. The townships of Penn, Delaware, Byberry, the unincorporated Northern Liberties, Moreland, Lower Dublin, Oxford, Bristol, Germantown, Roxborough, Kingsessing, Blockley, Passyunk, Aramingo, and Frankford were abolished, and all the franchises and property of these governments was transferred to the city of Philadelphia. The result was the larger territory of the city was divided into 24 wards. The First Ward extended south of Warthon Street from the Delaware River to the Schuylkill River.
There was great rejoicing with the passage of this bill. The chief officers, Legislature, and Governor of the State were invited to participate in ceremonies that were arranged by a committee.

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